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total amount control中文是什么意思

用"total amount control"造句"total amount control"怎么读"total amount control" in a sentence


  • 总量管制


  • Practice and discussion of total amount control of disposal of pollutants
  • Establishment of audit system for total amount control of pollutants
  • Then the method of the total amount control is raised in the water quality layout
  • On the implementation of the total amount control of the pollutants emission in qinghai province
  • This monitor provides convenient on - the - spot environmental control as well as local or remote timely monitor and examination of the history data through a computer , hence the scientific basis for the management of environmental protection departments and for the total amount control of pollutant discharge
  • Definition on the concept of total amount control ( tac ) and analysis of the features of tac contrast to concentration control were presented by introducing emissions trading ( et ) used in acid rain program in the u . s . a , it discussed the relationship between tac and et , and pointed out that emissions trading is compatible with chinas tac
  • Total amount control is a control means in order to achieve in advance deciding environment objective , the dumped into the area pollution total amount is controlled within definited quantity , through effective measures , in serious pollution and pollution sources centralize or important protection areas
  • This paper analyzes the elementary characteristic of our country water environment and bases on it , setting forth the current situation and problems of our country water environment pollution total amount control , more pointing out the development expectation of our country water environment pollution total amount control
  • Analysis on the total amount control system implementing process in china , its difficulty and problems caused by the deficiency of legal norm , sequential stipulation , feasibility , whole content and complete set law etc , and description on enhancement of legislation of total amount control system , establishment of “ total amount control acts ” , ascertainment of total amount control model , perfection of payable transfered mechanism and complete set system , and legal sanction on violated behaviour were presented
    分析了我国总量控制制度实施过程中,因有关的法律法规少、效力层次低,缺乏程序性规定、可操作性差,内容不全面,配套法规不全等而产生的困难和问题,阐述了强化总量控制制度的立法,尽快制定《总量控制管理条例》 ,确立总量控制模式,完善指标有偿转让机制,完善配套制度和对违法行为的法律制裁等方面的需求。
  • Under the conditions of market economy , we must use the market mechanism to protect the environment , cultivate essential environmental market , set up economy inspirit system and mobilize the enthusiasm of principal part of the market . as the legalized economic system , the emission rights trading has been used in developed countries at large , part areas in our country have tried to make experiments . the text points out several basic issues related on emission rights trading , including total amount control , emission license and application of emission rights abroad . combining chinese present problems on applying system of emission rights trading and several cases on emission rights trading in some cites , the thesis explains that it is necessary and promising that emission rights trading is applied in china
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